A new Tesla Powerpack installation will support the Canadian “WindCharger” wind farm. Up to 20 MWh of capacity.

There are areas of the world that best lend themselves to the installation of wind turbines, a renewable energy source that does not suffer from day / night alternation such as photovoltaics. However, the problem remains of how to convey the energy produced exactly when it is needed, without it being wasted due to lack of demand in moments of maximum production.

This problem can be solved with the accumulation of energy in large storage plants, as already done for example in Australia, on a site that we talked about a while ago. Tesla storage systems were used on the site in question, which is still the protagonist in a new installation in Canada.

The project is called WindCharger and, as you can see from the images, several Tesla PowerPack modules, the industrial version of the storage batteries of the Californian manufacturer, are already being installed. Each PowerPack has up to 3 MWh of capacity, and an inverter for power up to 1.5 MW. However, this is not an accumulation like many others. The integration of the components means that PowerPack takes up about 40% less space and requires fewer connection components, about 10 times less. All this also translates into significantly lower than average exposure times.

Once completed, the Canadian company TranAlta will have a capacity of 10 MW, with a capacity of 20 MWh. By the end of the month, when the works are completed and the plant goes online, TransAlta will be able to supply energy (with intervention times in the order of milliseconds) only when requested by the network, optimizing all the production of its field to the maximum. wind.